They spend the vast majority of their time hiding beneath the damp leaf litter of dense forests and rainforests. These frogs thrive in warm, humid, environments. This is quite similar coloration to some snake species, like ball pythons. While you may think of white when you picture an albino animal, these little frogs actually have lots of yellow blotching in their albino state. Albino – Captive bred individuals come in a variety of colors, including albino.With the rains, come the prey, and the perfect environment for survival. When the going gets tough, the tough get… buried? These amphibians will bury themselves beneath the surface of the ground and remain dormant until the rainy season arrives. Dormancy – In the wild, environments aren’t always kind and optimal for survival.In addition to insects and worms they will also eat mice, fish, other frogs, and reptiles. Varied Diet – Though most people picture flies and little insects when they imagine a frog eating, these amphibians feed on a wide variety of items.They swallow their prey whole, no chewing needed! They will sit and wait for prey to approach close enough, and then leap forward and grab them. Ambush Predators – These cute little creatures are actually incredibly competent predators.They use their giant maw to eat virtually anything that will fit! Learn more about these cool creatures below.

These frogs are not only charismatic looking, but they also behave similarly to the character they are named for.